Tuesday 1 December 2009

new posses WIP

I took advantage of Wargames Foundrys Christmas discount the other week and bought myself over 150 new old west figures!
Not that i would ever need 150.....
plus I already have around 100 sitting on a box waiting to be painted from Artizan, Obelisk and war paint ranges.
So over the next couple of months expect to see a good few new posses as well as all the civilians I have been hoarding to populate the town with.

To finance the project I will be painting some goodies up and selling them off on Ebay.

You never know I may actually get a game in to!


  1. Hi there, you have done some really good work on this town, the buildings are sensational, as are the minitures, this is one of my favourite blogs please keep up the good work, also if you want some extra funding..... do you do any commision work as far as making some buildings for people, I really would pay for some of your fine work, I have a map of a small town I would love to get built, you up for it ?

  2. Hi, thank you for the comments. sadly i do not make the buildings, they are made by my mate Colin, who is truly gifted. you can contact him using the email on the left, not sure if he is taking on any commissions at the mo but worth a try asking.... I was thinking of
    selling off a few buildings to make room for the new baby, but i dont think i can face it. now if you needed any figures painting that is my speciality.

    cheers Steve

  3. I used the contact info for Colin Rush. I have three of his buildings and two presently in shipping. They are excellent pieces of work.

    Your blog has inspired me to make my own as well.


Hi I have recently had a few comments on old posts that i missed, so to make sure i dont miss anything i have added the moderator settings
thanks for taking the time to comment :o)